Call 833-696-0602

Call 833-696-0602

Sequester® for Small Farmers

Keep your soil functional and free from the negative effects of inorganic fertilizer and pesticides. Reduce water consumption while instilling greater drought tolerance in your crops.

Power of Cyanobacteria

Using cyanobacteria results in the restoration of the soils natural function – decomposition of organic matter back incto plant usable nutrients, cycling of carbon from the atmosphere, and storage of water and nutrients.

Reduce Harmful Salts

Cyanobacteria are also instrumental in supporting soil desalination, while increasing soil microbial health.

Help Nature Recover

Sequester carbon in your soil and be a part of the solution to climate change. It is a simple change of practice providing real and significant benefits.

Capturing Carbon from the atmosphere

Soil depletion begins with the loss of soil function, meaning the demise of the soil’s microbial biomass and the functionality that these microbes provide. When soil loses its ability to cycle carbon and nutrients, soil health declines along with water holding capacity and crop water use efficiency, resulting in excessive water and fertilizer inputs (along with associated costs), and an accumulation of salts. Our microbial blends restore carbon and nutrient cycling to the soil.

“I’m using less water with higher yields and seeing earthworms for the first time ever with Sequester.”
Robert (Bobby) Stone

Robert (Bobby) Stone



Sequester® Soil Amendment

Bring the sun’s energy into the soil biome to drive microbial interactions that rapidly restores soil function

8OZ SINGLE BOTTLE (2,500 square feet)

Sequester® in CO2 Sequestration and Climate Change Mitigation

Sequester® in CO2 Sequestration and Climate Change Mitigation

Carbon dioxide is one of several GHG’s (green house gases) primarily responsible for global warming and the world is on a fast track to mitigate these effects. Cyanobacteria (active ingredient in Sequester®) is receiving increased interest in alleviating the influence...

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Nitrogen Fixation with Sequester®

Nitrogen Fixation with Sequester®

Sequester® is formulated with nitrogen-fixing autotrophs (microbes that are able to provide their own energy through photosynthesis) called Cyanobacteria. They are powered by the sun. They work by taking nitrogen from the air and converting it to a bioavailable form...

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Bioremediation with Sequester®

Bioremediation with Sequester®

Creating a safe environment.The Cyanobacteria strains delivered in Sequester® have the functional ability to perform a remarkable number of functions: fix atmospheric nitrogen; decompose organic wastes and residues; detoxify heavy metals, crude oil and gasoline,...

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Sequester® in Lawn and Landscape, A Regenerative Program

Sequester® in Lawn and Landscape, A Regenerative Program

Residential Lawn & Landscapes are facing severe pressures from changes in climatic conditions. Fertilizer prices have skyrocketed and water use limitations are becoming common. Homeowner’s have significant challenges in maintaining a climate smart and...

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Microbial Soil Reclamation with Sequester for Agriculture

Microbial Soil Reclamation with Sequester for Agriculture

Practically all soils are depleted, meaning the ability to cycle carbon and nutrients, and hold water has been lost or significantly reduced. This is also described as a loss in soil health because soils are literally alive. A typical gram of soil contains 1 billion...

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